Welcome to Easy Key to Success. Gender Brain Chemistry is what I teach to singles, couples, businesses, internet marketers, and management. Brain chemistry based in pioneering research has opened the door to understanding human behavior at a new level. Unequivocal findings have shown stress hormones, testosterone in men and oxytocin in women, affect how humans feel, think, and react to their environment. This has implications in all relationships and can support better employee retention.

Two neurotransmitters, dopamine in men and serotonin in women, have a role in the stress response. Everyday stress happens to everyone, everyday to varying degrees. These chemicals, present in the brain of both men and women, are essential to optimal functioning throughout your day. The chemicals are responsible for gender traits inherent in how men and women differ. These differences have been the bane of every relationship we hold near and dear to our heart.

Understanding and embracing these differences is at the core of happiness, harmony, and success of every relationship. The following account is a story of one of my students, a former client, who learned brain chemistry after retiring from a career in nursing.

A Man in a Woman’s Workplace

We live in a male dominant society, the result of natural evolution from our history as hunters and gatherers. Men did the hunting, fed the clan or community they live in. Women were the gatherers and tended to the home, children, and the domestic duties. Women managed the cohesiveness of community.

Gender roles have changed significantly in recent history. Breadwinner status today is shared by both genders. Single mothers and fathers have made career decisions which had them sharing a workplace that previously was dominated by the opposite sex. This is the case with my student Joe, a retired male nurse.

For all intents and purposes, Joe was an exceptional nurse. In the 1970’s, male nurses were few and far between; Joe was not deterred and pursued nursing.

His graduating class had three men out of ninety graduates. Nursing was, and still is, a female dominated profession.

In terms of gender chemistry, Joe was driven by testosterone, the normal for a man. Success on the job supported his testosterone brain chemistry needs. He got the job done everyday completing tasks, which increases testosterone. Success feels good and feeling good for a man is the result of high dopamine brain levels.

Joe viewed himself as the best nurse on the floor, but he knew other nurses had more education and experience. Nursing is a profession that demands critical thinking, evaluating the totality of any given situation, and making sound clinical decisions. “Not on my watch and do no harm” was his motto.

It was an annual work performance evaluation where brain chemistry made itself known. Joe’s supervisor, a woman, wrote the evaluation. His security with his ability as a nurse was seen as “cocky,” his assertiveness was seen as male aggressiveness. Female co-workers felt intimidated by his demeanor.

His relationship with male physicians was viewed as unprofessional because he would engage in conversation unrelated to work, such as about sporting events. Female nurses had reported this behavior reflected a better than thou attitude. This was reinforced by being on a first name basis with male physicians.

Embrace Differences and Acceptance

If only Joe’s supervisor, and Joe, had an understanding of Gender Brain Chemistry™, perhaps his evaluation would have been presented differently. In retrospect, it’s apparent that Joe’s “maleness” worked against him in this situation.

The evaluation did nothing to support his brain chemistry and his success as a competent nursing practitioner. He wasn’t being “cocky” by taking credit for a job well done, he was being male. Men love taking credit, as it increases testosterone. When testosterone levels are very high, men will then share credit.

The fact Joe’s female co-workers felt intimidated because male physicians treated him differently shouldn’t have been an issue. Men talk to men differently. It’s more a gender trait than being unprofessional, and he never addressed them by first name in the presence of patients. Soon after this evaluation, Joe moved on.

Increased Employee Retention

With Gender Brain Chemistry™ knowledge, there wouldn’t have been issues between the staff and management as understanding would support a different end result.

My name is Beverly Taylor. Let me teach you the subtleties of gender chemistry that can be the difference in retaining competent employees. In the long run, it will save you time and money.

Easy Key to Success with Brain Science