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Accelerate Your Success By Upgrading To The Video Version Of The “How To Write Promo Emails That Sell” Coaching Program.

Congratulations on taking an important step toward securing the “How To Write Promo Emails That Sell” Training Program.

Before you access to the download page…

Please note that, for a very limited time only, you have the opportunity to upgrade your purchase to access the video version of the coaching program.

Why You Need To Get The Upgraded
How To Write Promo Emails That Sell Video Upgrade?

Instead of reading the training cover to cover…

Why not unlock all the secrets of the How To Write Promo Emails That Sell in one sitting?

With these videos, you can learn faster than by reading the lessons, as they provide both voice and visuals for better comprehension…

Enabling you to retain the valuable lessons from this life-changing coaching program…

So you can expedite your path to achieving the success you deserve.

5 Reasons Why The Video Upgrade Is A Must-Have:

Uncover the unveiled secrets within the How To Write Promo Emails That Sell, offering enhanced clarity for effortless implementation of action steps.

Accelerate your transformative journey by engaging with the course content through video format, recognizing that video consumption is both quicker and more enjoyable than reading.

Retain a greater portion of the knowledge acquired, facilitating increased results within a shorter time-frame.

Assimilate course material swiftly and without interruption, allowing for optimal focus.

Benefit from personalized guidance, with a voice that directs, instructs, and captivates your attention, complemented by engaging visual graphics.

You’ll Receive All 18 Lessons In High-Definition Video Format

Video 1


Video 2

Personalize Your Subject Lines

Video 3

Don’t Use Title Case

Video 4

Include Images and Pictures

Video 5

Add Video to Get Readers to Click

Video 6

Keep Your Subject Lines This Long (or Shorter)

Video 7

Add Social Share Buttons

Video 8

Take Advantage of the Email Preview Text

Video 9

Avoid These Words to Keep Your Email Out Of the Spam Folder

Video 10

Keep Your Email Body Content between 50 and 125 Words

Video 11

Include Words That Cause an Emotional Response

Video 12

Always, Always, Always Include a Call to Action

Video 13

Make Sure Your Message Has a Sense of Urgency to It

Video 14

Include Exclusivity

Video 15

Scarcity Sells

Video 16

Include a Value Proposition

Video 17

Include Social Proof

Video 18

How to Write Promo Emails that Sell – Conclusion

How Much Is The Video Upgrade?

How much for this upgrade, you ask?

I could certainly price the video upgrade at $497, given the immense value it offers.

Yet, I won’t charge you that much.

My goal is to assist you in transforming your life and achieving success.

I firmly believe that the How To Write Promo Emails That Sell Video Upgrade can expedite this process, far more efficiently than simply reading the book.

Rather than paying $497 for this video course, you can gain instant access to it for a fraction of the cost.

Get How To Write Promo Emails That Sell Video Upgrade

Click The Order Button Now:

Only $17!

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