When building your own company, you learn lots of good marketing ideas. And one of the most common pieces of advice you hear from entrepreneurs and business coaches alike is this:

Create and sustain an email list.

Why? Your business’ money is in your list.

Good Marketing Ideas Start with Gender Brain Science™

For marketing purposes, you’ve probably never learned but need to know about a brand new way to market called Gender Brain Science™. This new way to market is the culmination of over 10 years of research I did, under the guidance of Dr. John Gray, author of Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus. Gender Brain Science™ takes scientific data and distills it in a way that’s both easy to understand and easy to apply to your business.

Resonate with Men and Women Using Gender Brain Science™

It doesn’t matter what products or services you offer; with Gender Brain Science ™, you can show your clients how your products are exactly what they need to solve their problem and make life easier. But you do it by using specific keywords that resonate with men or women, depending on your gender-specific market.

For example, suppose you sell women’s cosmetics.  She buys cosmetics because she wants to look more beautiful. So, you talk about how using cosmetics brings inner beauty out in her when she uses cosmetics because being interested in beauty aligns with a woman’s natural desires. But the thing that drives her to want to enhance her feminine nature and desire to be beautiful are two brain chemicals.  The one main chemical is called oxytocin.  The other one is a neurotransmitter called serotonin.

By brain design, and biochemical design, she receives prompts from these substances that drive her to love being feminine.  So, when you learn about this amazing brain chemistry research, and use it in your marketing, you get your point across more naturally.

Marketing in alignment with her feminine nature shows her you really understand what’s important to her.  You show her that you and she both share the same interests.  This naturally builds trust faster between you and your female market.

But, working AGAINST her biochemical and brain design nature, suppose you talk too much about the chemical composition of what is used to manufacture the makeup.  Boring!  You’ve lost her interest.  See how this works?

An example for a man would be to talk about how he can achieve the goals he wants by buying a product a man would naturally buy.  Suppose you sell high quality tools.  In your marketing, you would talk about how effectively, quickly and efficiently he can build a house using your brand of high quality tools.  You would NOT talk about how pretty they look.  Men don’t usually care if tools look pretty.  That is rarely important to them.

A man is driven predominantly by the hormone testosterone and the neurotransmitter dopamine.  So, when you talk about how exciting (dopamine) it is to build something meaningful with his own hands (testosterone), he knows you understand what’s important to him.  This builds trust between the both of you.  So, using Gender Brain Science™ in your business can have a very amazing affect for both your business and your customers.

The Little, Big Difference Between Men and Women

Men and women’s brains function 90 percent the same, with only a 10 percent difference between the two sexes. It’s a small percentage, but you can use it to make all the difference in creating good marketing ideas.

The bottom line is this:  If your female subscribers are constantly receiving testosterone-driven content in their inbox, they’re not going to LOVE connecting to your brand.  Conversely, if your email list is full of male subscribers, and you’re marketing content is based around oxytocin-producing concepts, guess what? No matter how cool your service or product is, it won’t resonate with men.

When you know how to apply Gender Brain Science™ concepts to your email campaigns, you can create good marketing ideas that will build trust, connection and sales.  Contact me for group training on how Gender Brain Science™ can make a huge difference in your business.


Easy Key to Success with Brain Science